Crying is a natural thing for babies, the first thing they do when they were born is cry. With that first cry, they experience air in his lungs for the first time. In fact, crying is a sign for a healthy baby, and it is a normal physiological event. That being said, it does upset parents, family members, and carers while raising children especially when they’re unable to settle them back.
The cause of crying may vary from just any simple reason to life threatening conditions. Therefore, a baby’s cry should not be ignored. To help you, here are some of the common causes:
Common Reasons for Baby Crying:
- Hungry: One of the most common symptom. The baby will become settled when he/she is given food or nursed.
- Tired: Another common symptom. Watch out for signs such as rubbing their eyes and yawning. When a baby is tired, they may simply just cry. This might also happen when you’re travelling/visiting somewhere else other than home. Uncomfortable surrounding and different climate will make them feel tired. Getting them used to sleeping in their comfy pram, bringing their favourite blanket, etc, will help them associate those things to sleeping outside of their crib.
- Hot or Cold Conditions: Too cold or too hot will make a baby become restless and start to cry. When it’s too hot, watch out for signs like sweating (especially in the armpit area). Baby will generally only need another layer than what you’re wearing to make them feel comfortable.
- Hard Stools: Especially true with babies who just started solids because for the first time in their life, they will have a harder stool and will need sometime to adjust to that. But in general, a harder stool can be rather painfull and can make them hesitate to pass it through.
- A Wet Diaper: A very common symptom. When their diaper is wet, it is rather uncomfortable, and when a baby experience discomfort, they will cry to let you know.
- Habitual cry: Sometimes there are babies who cry just because they are used to it. This can drive parents crazy and a lot of the time it will result in them seeking a professional help.
- Tight Clothing: Tight clothing, especially on warm days can be a major discomfort for children. Those tight elastics in a dress can produce soreness.
- Being Lonely: Sometimes a baby cries when they feel lonely, especially when they’re used to being around people and is unable to entertain themselves, or maybe when a favourite toy falls out of their reach area, and they simply just need some help.
- Darkness: When a baby woke up in the dark, the darkness can make them feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, a strong light can also irritate them. A dim light can solve this problem.
- General Body aches Flu and other infectious disease may cause body aches and can result in crying.
- Mosquito: They can bite and disturb a baby’s sleep and cause them to cry.
- Nappy rash: A rash can be caused by a nappy that is too tight, have been left on wet for too long, or also a sign of allergic reaction to the material in the nappy. A rash causes soreness and can be a major discomfort. Put barrier creams all over the baby’s nappy area, change them more often, and if symptom persist, change the brand of the nappy.
- Phlegm in the throat: It can make them difficult to breath and will result in crying.
- Nasal blocking: When their nasal is blocked. They are unable to breath, hard to nurse, and hard to sleep. Try sparing the nose with a baby’s saline nasal spray and gently suction the mucus out. There are kits available in your local chemist for this.
- Colic: A lot of the time, people blame continuous baby’s cry on colic. This is subjected to a debate, because the exact cause for colic is unknown and diagnosis is also difficult to confirm. Colic may be associated with distention of the abdomen and rumbling. Babies often feel better, when they are lying on their abdomen. Some children, however, may not let you even touch their abdomen. When symptom persist, please consult your healthcare provider.
- Reactions to certain food: Usually, signs of allergies are breathlessness, redness/rashes, gastric symptoms and continuous cry.
- Earache: In wet climates, ear infections are very common. The infection is usually spread from the throat. It can result in the rupture of the ear drum, which will cause a discharge of pus. It also usually gets worse during the night while lying down. A child will become very restless, cry and may not allow you to touch their ear.
- Infections: All infections will generally cause some kind of pain and irritation that can make a baby cry. It can be anywhere in the body, and will cause fever, redness and swelling.
- Gastro esophageal reflex: If a baby cries with spilling of food, and the symptom continues after every feeding, it is likely that it is due to gastro esophageal reflex. This is the result of the failure of the lower part of an esophagus to close after food that causes regurgitation from the stomach. It is difficult to diagnose, and can be confirmed by giving anti reflex medicines.
- Detrition: Often associated with diarrhea and gastric troubles, detrition will cause restless and crying in children.