Monday, 18 May 2015

How to Raising children godly

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Do we want good children or godly children? This question lies at the heart of our true desire for our children.
In the midst of a secular society, it is easy to leave God out of the training of our children. For any child to be a "good" child he must be raised by God's truth, even if the parents do not acknowledge they are doing so. They enjoy His world, His gifts such as life and bodies but do not give any thanks to Him. This is the mark of the secular state that asserts it can run on its own.
We want godly children who know the principles of good living but also who know God Himself. We desire for our children to have a love and passion for God that overflows in a love for mankind. Without Jesus Christ our ability to forgive, have compassion and to love is greatly limited. In Christ we have the ability to have Christ live His life in us.
Our goals for our children must go far beyond what we can do in our own strength, which only feeds our pride. We must train our children to trust God and live a supernatural life in which they walk in His Spirit. There are many voices telling us how to parent, but the majority of them reject God's purpose for our children. Because many Christian families have bought into secular thinking, their children are living as immorally as the society around them.
Now is the time to change the course of history through our own families. God can do great and mighty things through a small number of families that live by His great and glorious promises and purposes. In this session, we will first focus on God's principles for raising our children from Deuteronomy 6 and later conclude by mentioning some practical points on how we can implement these life-changing principles.

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