Friday 15 August 2014

Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

7 Early signs of pregnancy

Starting your own family is one of the few exciting thing. If you already have planned your baby then you are probably anxiously waiting for the day when you finally take a pregnancy test and see if you are expecting your little one. Five days before your period is due is however the earliest that you can take a pregnancy test. Since it does not always give that accurate results, it might end up frustrating you to keep wondering if you are actually even pregnant or not.

Fortunately, there are quite many early pregnancy signs you keep in consideration prior to taking a pregnancy test.

Following are few early pregnancy signs:

Experiences extreme tiredness
Tiredness is a commonest side effect of pregnancy in early days. Your body is changing and adding hormones, and producing and growing an entire new human being. You will start realizing that you are extremely tired even on regular basis. You can be weary even in your regular chores and find impossible to stay awake and face even face more difficulty to get out of the bed in the morning.

Nausea-pregnancy-symptomsMorning sickness is also one of the common things in women. Also just to clear the misconception ladies, morning sickness is not something that you will only feel during mornings. Some women will suffer from nausea even long before they miss their period similarly others will not even experience nausea until weeks after their pregnancy is confirmed.

Start sensing smell strongly
You will notice yourself smelling your own regular deodorant even strongly than ever before. Pregnancy will increase your sense of smelling. This is something what the new hormones will do.

The commonest early pregnancy sign is missing your period, you may be do not want to wait too long to notice the signs. After the egg is fertilized, it will be implanted into uterine wall. Many women experiences slight bleeding or spotting when this occurs. Since the egg is typically implanted before you even expect your start of period, noticing that little spot might be a sign that you should expecting your baby.

Mood swings
Having mood swings during pregnancy is general due to hormonal changes. Every woman will respond to the change differently. Also the emotion experienced will be different everytime, it can be anxious, excited, depressed.

Increase in urination frequency
Shortly after becoming pregnant the hormonal changes will prompt the blood flow though kidney. This will off course result in causing your bladder to be filled quicker and thus you will have to pee quite often. The frequency of urination will intensify with the progress of pregnancy. This is also the growing and developing baby tends to exert more pressure on bladder.

Swollen Breasts
Pregnancy will make your breast feel very tender, sensitive and a little swollen. This is because of the hormone changes in women’s body due to pregnancy.

Sudden hatred towards food

Sudden hatred towards food in pregnancyYou would want to eat everything with sight and not in real. Ice creams or pickles are not the things which you would crave for in early pregnancy days. You shall start craving for have aversions for specific food, similarly you will find your regular food terrible. Also it does not mean that you might experience this till the end of your pregnancy.

Study shows that even if you have been pregnant once on the past, you shall not be experiencing the same thing during other subsequent pregnancies. Some women will go through all these symptoms of early pregnancy while on the other hand these will be totally nonexistent. However you should not confirm pregnancy without consulting your doctor and doing the relevant blood tests when your period is missed.

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